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You're in a warm bed after a long day of work. You get into your shell and you are in the most comfortable position, about to fall asleep. You have never been so comfortable in your life. Now imagine not being able to get up again. As if you are suddenly chained to the bed. There is nothing wrong with laying in bed, but the urge to get up when you can't eats all of your calmness away. I'd like to formally introduce you to: Anxiety.

Anxiety sneaks up on a person like a ghost. A curse. It is your worst nightmare and your best friend. Always beside you, through the good and the bad. No matter what, Anxiety is always 2 steps behind you, following in your tracks, creeping in your shadows. There is nothing worse than being in a crowd of people when the sly devil of anxiety sneaks up and steps on the back of your heels. Anxiety is everything you are afraid and its trapped inside your own head.

Anxiety is a constant reminder to yourself that you don't think you are enough. It consistently reminds you that you are afraid of everything. The world, love, even the people you feel the closest with.

Personally, I've learned that it is important to embrace that anxiety is becoming a norm in society. That people are becoming more and more aware of it and learning that it is a very common burden for people to suffer from. 1 in 4 Canadians have at least one anxiety disorder in their lifetime. 2.6% pertain to generalized anxiety. These stats are important in proving the point that anxiety is usually swept under the rug and ignored as "stress", etc. Ignoring an inner devil like anxiety is a dangerous game to play with yourself. Anxiety is darkness at your feet, brightness just outside of your reach. It's with you always; But it's up to you to decide: Do you want to walk with your inner devil at your heels, or can you face the facts and walk through your life with your devil at your side? Can you own your own identity enough to brave a new chapter in your life with your devil on its leash?

It's been occurring to me lately that having anxiety is NOT a curse. It's a blessing in disguise to learn who you are. Harnessing a devil like anxiety is not easy, I promise you, it is hard. I challenge you to walk beside your nightmare. Days will be long and hard, and some days anxiety will win: Every. Single. Time; But sometimes, you WILL win. That is the joy of fighting such a hopeless battle. The fight will never end, but the fight inside of you will never stop growing.

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