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I have 18 and 5/6 years of life experience. To be honest, I don't know an awful lot. I don't know lots of songs before 2009 and if I do its because it was featured in a very mainstream children's movie. I haven't seen many movies. I have seen many classic Disney movies on repeat, but I haven't seen Napoleon Dynamite or The Godfather, nor will I voluntarily watch it while I'm on a weekend off of work binge watching Netflix. I don't know a lot of songs, but the ones I do know, I know almost 1/4 of the words. Sometimes I know half. My point is, while reading this, you are under no obligation to believe a word of anything I write, because, in all honesty, who would listen to the ideas of someone who has never seen a single Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or Harry Potter movie (or even read any of the books).

So, since clarifying my undeniable under-knowledge of almost everything, here is what I know about women. Not all women, but the worst of the worst.

Everyone has heard of women gossiping, or being dramatic. As a women... or girl... I can agree with this and say yes, we very much are. The type of women specifically that I want to address are our "friends" the ones who are "our closest friends"... to your face.

I haven't said any names. Nor will I, simply because the list would go on forever of names of women who have pulled this stunt on myself, my family, or my close friends (who actually are friends and not "friends".. Just to clarify that).

I speak for myself when I say that I have a bad tendency of clinging onto some bad friendships for too long. Like a part of me wants to fix it. Or prove something. This person can hurt me again and again, and I will let them. I will make excuses. I will defend them until they have taken every breath from me.

Mom? How often are catty women born?

Almost all of us are a bit catty, I think.

I think a lot of us are suckers for picking a bad friendship and clinging onto it for dear life. Like the amount of time we have been friends with someone somehow correlates how good the friendship is, even if the friendship wasn't good to begin with.

Mom? How often are suckers born?

I think everyone is a sucker.

There are definitely women in the world who are out for their own gain. They will do whatever it takes to make sure they rise to the top while climbing up you and leaving you behind. All while they smile and pretend to be holding a rope to pull you up with them. They are the kind of people who will choose others over you, but they will make you feel as if that isn't their fault for choosing someone else, its yours, for not being good enough.

And thats the root of it. No one is ever good enough for these women. Not even themselves, and maybe thats the reason they have to prey off of you and I. They will never be good enough for themselves but they will let us go to our grave thinking that we weren't good enough.

No one gets to decide if you are good enough, except for you.

Don't let them have the satisfaction of taking you down.

Surround yourself with people who take care of you. Who build each other up, not climb up each others downfalls.

Nothing makes them happier than going to sleep knowing that they are slowly killing your self esteem and pride.

Nothing makes these women feel better than putting their acrylic nails into your coffin.

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