Spring Cleaning my Brain

I am easily bored.
Never held back from what I want to do.
Some might go as far as to call it being stubborn.
Contained but impetuous.
I can't paint my nails because I can't sit still for long enough to let one coat dry.
I don't like folding laundry because I don't like routine. I would rather buy new dishes than wash the old ones.
Maybe I'm just in need of someone to grab my shoulders and give me a shake and tell me whats normal and why I should do it.
I struggle with normality.
Sometimes I brush my teeth for 7 minutes because that feels normal.
Some nights I put my pillow on the opposite end of the bed in hopes that I'll wake up differently. I never do.
When I carry a purse, I have gum in it - Only gum.
Sometimes I forget I'm reading in the middle of the page. Instead I'm shocked that we would rather make paper out of our oxygen source. Priorities.
I think a lot about people who prioritize matching their socks in the morning. As if that defines their character.
I think a lot about people who sit at a desk all day, return to their house that they have never called home, and spend another night alone in their cold bed having another Netflix date with their TV dinner.
I wonder if they feel like they are missing something.
I wonder if they think money will make them happy?
Maybe I'm just going through a phase, like a 4 year old asking the world "why" they do things the way that they do.
Maybe things just shouldn't be questioned.
I just feel flat. Not flat like calm water, but deflated like a balloon.
So there lies more questions: Am I all out of air, or all out of breath?