An equal combination of secrecy, mystery and coming out of my shell.
Art is the way that I personally let off my emotions that I can't say out loud, even though it doesn't always use words. Art is my physical and visual outlet that I know I don't need to explain to anyone, but I can. I don't ever feel the need to explain my art to anyone, nor should any artist. Art can be as inclusive or as exclusive as you need it to be. It is whatever you need it to be to heal yourself as an individual. Every person is broken; Life is about finding what hurt you and learning how to cope with it.

Art is my way of coping with the world around me, and as for what motivates me to create art: it can be anything. Anything from a bad day or butterflies in my stomach can inspire something inside of me. Sometimes it's small and when the paint hits the paper it turns into colossal chaos of colour and frustration. Art always has the potential to be a disaster. Every piece of art is different, even if the idea came from the same inspiration. Vast meaning can be found in all pieces of art, it does take a certain perspective to understand what the artist is trying to portray.
Art is a saving grace for me when I feel that I have been left in the dark. Having an outlet with no judgement or penalties is a safe haven that every person should find. It's a feeling that is as liberating as climbing to the top of a mountain peak; fearful and dangerous. That's art. The joy of picking up a new born baby in a warm embrace; That's art. Art comes in may forms , with no distinguishable explanation. Frustrating, liberating, brave.