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I am lateness & tangled hair/ I am pencil sketches on loose leaf paper/ I let people push me around/ I am late night coffee and early morning tea/ I am easily angered and sometimes I’m quick to judge/ I drive faster than I should most times/ I get headaches if I don’t drink enough coffee/ I have no filter when spending money/ but I love to spend my time recklessly/ I eat at restaurants too often/ but I love a home cooked meal/ I love travelling/ but leaving my house can be a chore/ I am overthinking and worry behind a closed door/ I am 5 short texts/ rather than one long one/ I am a cluttered desk and unmade bed/ I am 80 pairs of shoes/ but I only wear two of them/ I am 2 sprays of perfume/ I am indecisive as hell/ I am a walking contradiction/ an orb of confusion/ but I still have tangled hair/ and I’ll always let people push me around. 

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